Tag Archives: Southport WI

Big Square Knit

Get hooking ladies! Southport WI are making hand-made blankets to go in the Southport Foodbank care packages.

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Your challenge is to create stashes of 5-inch-square knitting or crocket, to be sewn together by a team of volunteers as blankets for the elderly. These creations will be distributed by Southport Foodbank (Trussell Trust).

At our March meeting, out lovely members donated bags and bags of food to the Southport Foodbank, all collected by its manager, John. He gave us a brief overview of what the Foodbank does and come of the challenges its clients face. John and his team really wanted to put together care packages for the elderly in our local community, combating not just hunger but also cold and loneliness. The ladies of Southport WI are going to rise to that challenge by creating bright, cheerful, snuggly hand-made blankets.

If you’re a beginner, come along to Southport WI to find out more about our newly formed ‘Knit & Natter’ group.

Contributions from non-members also welcome!

Contact: Elizabeth Littlejohns (sub group: knit & natter) or Alison Kay (Southport WI President).
